
To enhance the community, you do have roving patrols of the community 7 days per week! They will be through the community several times per night to monitor for vandalism and other instances of crime in the community.
For street maintenance issues including pothole repairs, paved surface maintenance, street sweeping, removal of items from the roadway, and repair of missing or damaged street name signs or other information signs contact Pima County Department of Transportation Operations & Maintenance at (520) 740-2639

Community Reminders

Rancho Valencia Annual Meeting of the Members

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

6:00 PM

To Join the Meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting

Or to call in to the meeting 1 669 444 9171

 Meeting ID: 876 2696 6373



Submit that form first.  Please submit all exterior changes to the ARC, prior to beginning the project. You can contact our office at (520) 623-2324 for help or click on this link to print the Design Review Forms.


Homeowners’ associations, or HOAs, are formal legal entities created to maintain common areas; they have the authority to enforce deed restrictions. Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) are issued to each homeowner, and HOAs are established to ensure that they are adhered to in order to maintain the quality and value of the properties involved. Some of the things this includes:

  • Maintain community landscaping and recreational facilities
  • Enforce deed restrictions including, but not limited to, exterior home maintenance, commercial use of properties, parking on street, landscaping approval or types of plants, erection of basketball hoops, storage of boats and RVs, etc.
  • Establish and collect maintenance fees needed to run the neighborhood operations

The duty of the HOA is to protect the value of their homes and neighborhoods. They do this by enforcing the rules, keeping the area looking attractive, and making sure no one does anything wild, like painting their house gold and pink, leaving dismantled vehicles in the street, or running a flea market in the driveway. While this may seem extreme, that is a risk without the organization of a Homeowners Association.

We are glad you chose to be a member of The Valstate Rancho Valencia Homeowners Association! Feel free to contact us below if you have any questions or concerns.

Please select a valid form